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Introduction to Crystals, Minerals, and Energy - Beginner's Guide

作家相片: tiffanytiffany
This is a collection of questions that people who are new to energy often ask. What is energy? How can minerals assist us? How do we choose the right crystals for ourselves? All these questions are addressed here!

What is frequency?

Energy is the frequency of vibrations. Everything in the universe is made up of frequencies. Even the physical objects we see with our naked eyes are a result of our bodies receiving and interpreting vibrational frequencies. This is why different individuals may perceive colors differently, as our brains function like computers with different settings. Emotions themselves are also interpretations of frequency, with higher frequencies associated with happiness and lower frequencies associated with sadness.

What is energy?

Energy is the movement that occurs when our bodies receive specific frequencies. It is a phenomenon of motion. For example, when our bodies receive the frequency of sunlight, it generates heat. When discussing the energy of minerals, we observe the effects produced by our bodies when they receive the frequencies emitted by crystals. This is what we refer to as energy.

How can minerals assist us?

Minerals can assist us in our lives because each crystal has a different origin and composition, resulting in different frequencies and types of energy. For instance:

  • When feeling anxious and experiencing discomfort in the stomach, one can seek out crystals with energies that correspond to the stomach area to help release tension.

  • When needing focus at work or inspiration, crystals that resonate with the head area can aid in concentration and creativity.

  • When aiming to improve sleep quality or overall well-being, crystals that promote calmness and aid in body repair can be utilized.

Crystals are excellent tools for helping individuals regain a sense of control in their lives. They serve as a starting point for self-exploration. With the assistance of crystals, one can gradually and naturally achieve inner and outer balance.

How to use minerals?

Depending on different situations, you can choose minerals with different functions. Just like equipping characters in a game, you can replace them at any time and use more than one. For beginners in mineral usage, it is recommended to select small minerals, accessories like bracelets or necklaces that can be carried around, or even larger crystals that can be placed by the bedside to continue assisting during sleep.

The Eight Energy Centers of the Human Body - Chakras

The theory of chakras in Indian yoga is currently the most comprehensive and popular explanation of energy centers. It describes the invisible energy within the human body and integrates it deeply with fields such as medicine, psychology, nutrition, and crystal healing. The current theories of crystal healing extensively reference the energy of chakras and the interpretation of colors and bodily energy. Therefore, understanding the chakras is essential to comprehend how minerals assist individuals.

The word "chakra" in Sanskrit means "wheel" or "rotation," signifying the flow of energy as it rotates and connects the body's energy channels. Chakras are located at specific positions in the body, each possessing different qualities. When the chakras are in a healthy state, it indicates that individuals can develop a healthy state of body, mind, and spirit and effectively deal with all negative issues. However, when the chakras are unhealthy, various problems may arise, potentially leading to physical weakness, illness, or mental instability.

Qualities of the Chakras:

1. Root Chakra: Interactions between people, relationships with the environment, and mainstream values.

2. Sacral Chakra: Primordial instincts, basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and material satisfaction.

3. Sacral Chakra: Primordial instincts, basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and material satisfaction.

4. Solar Plexus Chakra: Creativity and reproductive ability, related to interactions with intimate partners. Emotions, sensations, enjoyment, desires.

5. Heart Chakra: Love, harmony, and giving. Located in the center of the upper and lower chakras, it is a high-frequency chakra corresponding to higher levels of consciousness.

6. Throat Chakra: Expression of inner feelings, creativity, truth, communication, resonance, and reception.

7. Third Eye Chakra: Expression and confirmation of dreams and imagination, influencing understanding, wisdom, calmness, judgment, insight, and a sense of inner maturity.

8. Crown Chakra: Connection to universal energy, high-frequency vibration. Deals with inspiration, spirituality, internal to external transformation, and influences spiritual elevation and the awakening of wisdom. Represents spirituality, the divine, and the unity of heaven and earth.

How do I know if my chakras are healthy?

You can speculate whether your chakras are functioning smoothly by considering the brief descriptions of the chakra qualities mentioned earlier. For example, if you struggle to integrate into groups and society, it may indicate an imbalance in the root chakra. Difficulty expressing yourself truthfully and often speaking in vague terms may suggest an imbalance in the throat chakra. On the other hand, if you frequently speak without filters and are overly direct, it could indicate an overactive throat chakra. Through self-reflection, you can gain a general understanding of your state and determine which minerals may assist you.

How do I choose the right minerals for myself?

The majority of people mistakenly believe they are "Muggles." Do you think the same way? (laughs) In reality, "no one is a Muggle"; it's just that we have been confined by "language" frameworks. When we receive information visible to the naked eye, we are already receiving information resonating with energy. Shape, size, color... these are all forms of energy. Once the brain receives this energy, it begins to analyze and compare it with past information. "I don't like this red crystal because I have always liked blue." Do you notice something? The brain's interpretation of "liking" or "disliking" is actually a matter of frequency resonance. Disliking something means it lacks resonance, while liking it means there is resonance. That's why the cooperative society later stopped finding minerals with specific "functions" for everyone privately. Instead, they encouraged people to trust their intuition and recommended choosing minerals based on personal preferences.

What if I need a certain crystal but don't like it?

That's okay too; it's a very common situation. Sometimes we know that there are areas where we can improve ourselves, but we may not be ready to face or address them yet. With life experiences, you naturally come to understand and appreciate the beauty of those types of minerals when the time comes and you're ready to confront them.

Do crystals need to be activated?

In the planned EP1 module of the "Shihua Spiritual Life Journal," the Cosmic Cooperative Society shares their perspective on activating and purifying crystals. They mention that when purchasing crystals, it is important to clarify your intention and purpose. Are you collecting them, seeking their energetic effects, supporting your own life journey, enhancing your space, or using them for healing purposes? Once your intention and purpose are clear, you can decide whether or not to activate the crystals.

How to purify crystals?

Generally, there are several methods:

sunlight purification, water purification, moonlight purification, smoke purification, fire purification, sound purification, and crystal purification. Each purification method is effective, and the choice depends on personal convenience and preference.

Sunlight purification: Expose the crystals directly or indirectly to sunlight.

Water purification: Place the crystals in a container and rinse them under running water for 10 minutes (a gentle flow is sufficient).

Moonlight purification: Expose the crystals to moonlight.

Smoke purification: Light incense and pass the crystals through the smoke (similar to smudging).

Fire purification: Light a candle and pass the crystals through the smoke (be careful not to burn yourself).

Sound purification: Use a tuning fork, singing bowl, or bell to strike near the crystals, using sound vibrations to cleanse them.

Crystal purification: Use a larger crystal with a strong energy field to resonate with smaller crystals.

Personally, I prefer smoke purification, where I pass the crystals through smoke while simultaneously lighting incense to harmonize the space. In my studio, due to the large quantity of crystals, it is not feasible to purify each one individually, so we use purification sprays and sunlight.

You can try each purification method and see what works best for you. If you are new to working with crystals, sunlight and water purification are commonly used methods because they require no additional expenses and simply rely on weather conditions. Just be sure to research the specific crystal's properties online, as some crystals may dissolve in water or fade in sunlight. Being aware of this is sufficient.

One purification method that requires special attention is crystal purification. It has recently gained popularity. People mistakenly believe that using a large cluster of clear quartz can purify other crystals. However, this is a misunderstanding even among some sellers and energy workers. Let me clarify this point.

Crystal purification does not involve using a clear quartz crystal with a purified human energy field. Instead, it is a physical purification process where larger crystals "resonate" with smaller ones. The effectiveness of purification has nothing to do with the frequency or size. A clear quartz crystal the size of a ten-dollar coin cannot resonate with a palm-sized obsidian. Instead, the obsidian resonates with the clear quartz, demagnetizing it. Therefore, when using crystals for purification, it is necessary to use larger crystals that are ten to twenty times the overall volume of the crystals you want to purify for the best resonance effect (which also helps harmonize the space).

Similarly, crystal caves or geodes can temporarily resonate and demagnetize crystals. However, if you use them as display cases for an extended period, the energy of the crystals will become uniform. If you don't want to carry the energy of the crystal cave with you, it is advisable not to leave the crystals inside the cave for long periods.

Do you have a better understanding of minerals after reading this? I hope this article has been very helpful to you and has given you a better concept for selecting minerals that you like to collect! If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know!
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